When you start renovation work, you are confronted with numerous regulatory certifications as well as energy labels.
But do you know how to decipher the impact of the energy label when making your purchases?
The purpose of the energy label is to make consumers aware of their heating appliances. So you can determine by yourself the level of consumption of the product you want.
What is the energy label?
The label makes it easy to evaluate products according to their energy consumption and acoustic performance.
To ensure compliance, products are evaluated by professionals from the most efficient A to the least efficient G.
The energy labels allow you to evaluate and know the advantages or disadvantages of a product thanks to a standard.
In fact, you can compare products of different brands based on real facts and verified by professionals.

Understanding the energy efficiency scheme
In order to find the products that will consume the least, simply rely on the color code as well as the score assigned. From green for the least energy consuming products to red for the highest.
They can be divided into 2 columns, one with a radiator to indicate the energy class of the heating and the second with a tap to determine the energy class and the maximum drawing of domestic hot water.
The pictogram with the sound sign indicates the sound level of the appliance in terms of decibels. The pictogram with KW indicates the thermal power of the appliance, which allows you to determine the appliance that would correspond to your needs.
Theimportance of the label for your home
Labels are important and can add value to your property when you decide to sell or rent your home. Indeed, the law requires you to disclose the energy performance diagnosis to your tenant or buyer.
Thus, you can carry out an energy assessment of your home to evaluate your consumption and the volume of greenhouse gas emissions.
Thanks to this diagnosis, you will be able to renovate your home in order to improve its skills if necessary, and then reduce your energy bill.
The work can be insulation, a new heat pump, etc.. Depending on the country, financial assistance exists to help you carry out this work.